Monday 8 September 2014

Simply these words, i am true, i am now, where is the easy path....

The last few weeks have been very up and down for me..

It seems that following your truth, your passion and your happiness isn't quite as easy as it sounds, or as it should be... not for me anyway. But then who said the truth would be easy. Well, actually, I did. I thought it would be.

The problem is there's a really big vision and it's really quite far away. And the thought of getting there is so overwhelming that I keep having the urge to completely change paths and do something different.

Then, at other times when I know what's going on and it's all figured out I get way too over-excited and want to do it all now! NOW.

I am a creative and I want to create everything! I want to be an artist, a producer, an adventurer, a marketing professional, a blogger, a writer, a designer. All now please yes.

It's really hard to know what to do first and how and when and where.

Where has been a big factor in my life recently. I've been very much a nomad living and working wherever jobs, life, boyfriend, family take me (not in that order necessarily).

A part of me thinks, who cares about the where, it's the what that matters and the why I do the what. Surely? But actually the where does matter because the where affects me more than I ever realise. 

I thrive off the things, the energies, the people around me. I cannot be in a negative, dark, sad, lonely environment. It simply isn't a viable option for my positive well being and nurturing of my soul. My soul needs love, needs positivity, needs clear and good light. 

It is what we all need and deserve. 

I deserve the best because I am. And so are you. So the where is important because the where is where i am.

I am light, happiness, nature, wellness, being, great, beautiful, magnificent, safe, I am.


Today this is what I feel:

I am really feeling Paolo Nutini's new song (yes don't judge me I love it.) In particular this part of it strikes a chord... 

                                   To those who can hear me, I say, do not despair.

The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed,
the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress.
The hate of men will pass, and dictators die,
and the power they took from the people will return to the people.
And so long as men die, liberty will never perish.
Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men –
machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!
You are not machines, you are not cattle, you are men!
You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful,
to make this life a wonderful adventure
Let us use that power! 
Let us all unite! 

The film itself is just brilliant... (Note to self, don't watch if you're not in a positive mood.)

This is me, 
and I love you. x

Wednesday 20 August 2014

This is the truth and the truth is what it is.


I'm back and this time I'm here to stay! It’s been too long since I typed my thoughts onto a public domain for other people's eyes.

Why did I stop? I didn’t feel like I had much to say probably. I was too busy working. I didn’t know what to talk about first. I wasn’t sure what I was thinking never mind wanting to tell the world about my thoughts.

Guess what, all of those still apply – to a certain extent – but I have decided I want to share this journey.

The magical journey of the unknown. 

So, what have I been up to? I shall fill you in briefly so that you can catch up quickly so that we can get back to the now. 

I cut my hair, I now look like this (I'm the one wearing the umbrella hat - the other is my sister):

(Photo by Ian Marriot Smith)

I started a business called iamsociable. (read the beginnings of this journey on a previous post here) I’ve had a few clients here and there, it’s had it’s moments – good and mediocre and it’s grown slowly but surely.

So, in brief, iamsociable helps creatives in business through marketing, social media and guidance support. This can be 1-1 sessions, marketing support tailored towards each individual or business as well as workshops and walking chats. (I know there’s already a lot there right.)

I then walked the Camino de Santiago and found another direction I wanted to take in life. What was this? Walking? Not just any walking. Combining my helping creatives and guidance support I wanted to create something that would help people be inspired, come away from their comfort zones, learn and explore and grow their human potential.

So I started iamadventures (can you see the iam theme here?) – taking people on creative adventures all over the world. To explore, learn and be guided to reach their human potential. Notice I say human not personal. Because human means everyone of us, for we are all one.

iamadventures has started, evolved and been on trips....

I’ve also done various things between and after these events, such as run workshops, gone on holidays, found myself in a relationship, been on the School for Creative Startups, had various amazing mentors, become a founding member of the Escape School; but it all comes back to this really:

I promise to work on the things that make me want to cry. Not because they make me sad, or happy but because it strikes a chord in my heart and my heart cries out to be heard.

It is my passion to be of service and to help make the world a better, lighter, more truthful place.

I am the truth and the truth will set me free.

You are the truth and the truth will set you free.

The truth will set us free because the truth is the power that we all hold in our hearts. That is how we should be living - through our hearts.

Are you following your truth?

So, I guess what I’m saying is you can expect some ramblings, some words of wisdom (maybe), some helpful hints and tips, but mostly my journey on being a human in this life. Of living, working, starting more than one business, being in or out of a relationship, being an artist, an activist, a philanthropist, and generally the trials, successes and failures of every day life.

N.B. It is also wise to note that this is all my trail of thought and is not edited or re-written. It is simply what it is. And I wish to share it with you, because it is how it is and it is the truth.


Natalia x

Monday 19 August 2013

Creatives! Time to learn how to write an engaging artist's blog...

Calling all creatives to be professional

Are you a creative person? Are you already a blogger?
Do you have a website? What is your online presence like? 

Well, it’s time to start thinking about it! 

Blogging for artists is not just about making sure you are heard and seen by the people who you want to be heard and seen by, it is also an integral part of your practice.Thinking, talking and writing about what is essentially a visual process is a lot of the time a difficult process for artists, making you feel awkward, pretentious and vulnerable.

Writing, just like making, takes practice and if the studio is the place where you practice your making, I say the blog is the place where you can practice your writing. Thinking whilst writing, or writing whilst thinking is in effect another part of your practice – what leads you to the making. You can then step back and open up a space for a critical and analytical dialogue between yourself and your work.Your inner voice, is suddenly right in front of you and is in fact very clear. Dialogue is what art is all about, it’s what life is about. You don’t have to wait until a project or residency is complete in order to highlight it or draw attention to it and in this way prospective commissioners and curators can follow your development and get to know you.

Blogging is a new wave of thought making, a simple dialogue between you and your art, but also you and other artists.  It creates another dimension for people to view your work and understand your work. So, being able to blog your ideas, your words, your thoughts, your views, becomes not just about figuring out what you want to do, but it also becomes about creating this merge between the physical and the metaphysical, the artist and the spectator, the real and the unreal. Blogging is a new art form in itself. A blog, doesn’t have to be the crème de la crème of art writing; it is simply your words and what you wish to express.

You are in control of what is read and of what you write.  


What Platform to use?

  • Blogger – Google owned, easy to use, first dibs on search engine rankings.
  • Wordpress – Good Design, Easily turned into website, lots of widgets, a bit harder to use, best for designers.
  • Tumblr – image based blog – not for those that want to write.
  • Artist Talking – part of a-n art community, engage more with artists and have more of a presence with a-n for potential features, use it as an art form in itself.
  • IdeasTap – great if want to collaborate with others on this site, or if want to write for IdeasTap – good to get noticed by them. 

What/How to Blog?

Incorporate a blog into your art portfolio website.
- Centre your blog posts around you and your art. 

Build a blog as a separate entity from your portfolio site
-focusing on a wider variety of art-related subjects-which may directly or indirectly help to promote your artwork.  

Some of my blogs: – THIS BLOG - writing about arts in general – my own and other art related things that interest me. Exhibitions, my creative life, Artists that Inspire, About my business and others I’m working with.

Being an Artist  - The ins and outs of being an artist, of graduating, the advantages and disadvantages, primarily talking about my experiences as an artist. This is a blog on Artists Talking through

Natalia Komis – My art practice – a work in progress blog. Showcasing work that isn’t finished, that I would normally put in a sketchbook, ideas, thoughts, an online art diary.

How to Write a Good Blog Post

  • Write a good title
  • Write 300-500 words
  • Place great images
  • Link back to other posts, other artists, websites
  • Add Labels e.g. exhibitions, work in progress, art of the week, Fun Friday 

Content is King 
context is king
BUT you’re an artist SO Your Content Is already GREAT! 
  • rename your image files with descriptive titles
  • append correct alt attributes
  • give your art a good on-page description
  • make sure your page Title tags are optimised
  • share your art on image sharing sites – don’t forget about Pinterest, Tumblr or ArtStack

Provide Great Post Titles
People walking on a zebra crossing

  • Your posts need to be good enough for people to be late to work - make them want to stop and read!
  • Your post titles have to be engaging.
  • Great content is important, yes - but titles are the one thing that get people to read your posts in the first place.
  • Be inventive about the language you use and remember - people tend to scan social networks very quickly so make your titles stand out!

If you want to know more about arts marketing and how to blog professionally, I run workshops specifically targeted towards this, but I also offer 1-1 sessions to help you with your own marketing needs. To find out more about what creative marketing workshops I am running go to my website. 

Or, if you're interested in 1-1 coaching or a more practical marketing session visit my website here >> 

The next in the series of arts marketing workshops is on the 24th August at 44AD Art Space in Bath. This will be on Writing a good Press Release and Newsletter Marketing 
5-7pm £20/£15 

You can find more info on Eventbrite as well as details on how to book a space. 

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Using instagram as an artist and creative - the do's and don'ts.

Instagram is a great visual story board of your life as an artist. The behind the scenes moments, the finished outcomes, the draft sketches, the inspiration. This platforms allows fans and buyers to feel a connection and a closer relationship to the work and to you, the artist.

Here are 2 good examples of artist profiles:

Ai Weiwei uses instagram to capture moments and convey where some of his inspiration comes from.

Daniel Arsham uses his instagram as on online portfolio showcasing his body of work. 

Things you should always do:

  • Have a link back to your website/blog/shop. (You can't sell directly through the instagram app, but you can direct people to your main site or shop)
  • Or you can add a direct paypal address for payment and sell out editions.  
  • If you're an artist, watermark your image - PhotoMarkr is a useful app for this.
  • Follow artists you love - then you have your own stream of inspiration to browse through.
  • Lead people back to your main website with an offer or other enticement or info about an upcoming exhibition. Try and get them to sign up to your mailing list.
  • Link up all of your social platforms, facebook, twitter, flickr, tumblr.

Things you shouldn't do:
  • Don't put clear and easily steal-able photos of your work - unfortunately people will use them. Use the blurring tool or don't take a full shot of the work, or take at a strange angle. Make people go to your main site to view the work.

  • Post an image that you want to reveal at a new show, or are saving to a show to a potential buyer. Once you've put an image out there, it's very difficult to keep control over it. 

There are plenty of new ideas and ways to engage your audience, fans and potential buyers. I'm sure you can each come up with a clever idea - you're a creative after all!

Here's a great way that a New York Restaurant used instagram to help it's customers decide what they wanted to eat by interacting with the menu!

 *These are all points that I discuss and go through during my arts marketing workshops : Build your Online Creative Profile - have a look out on my website under events if you are interested in when the next one is coming up.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Becoming a Successful Creative Entrepreneur, yes that means you, artists!

I'm a firm believer in doing what you feel passionate about and believing you can succeed doing so.

So, creatives out there, this post is aimed at you. 

Enough of the mind frame of, I'm an artist, I should accept that I'm going to be poor. It's ok, because I'm doing what I love...etc etc. This is not a necessary belief. 
IF you would like to make money from your creativity, and that includes those of you who want your creativity appreciated and recognised - because it's the same thing! - Then start doing something about it.

Being a creative does not mean you are rubbish at business. You may well think you are, at first, but as long as you have drive and determination and a passion for what you do, then you can equally be a successful artist and entrepreneur! 

Whilst I was at university, business, finances and how to be self-employed where not subjects that were covered. I believe they should be. In fact I believe it so much I've started to do workshops and seminars on this exact topic! 

Creatives are full of amazing ideas, the UK would not be where it is now if it wasn't for those ideas! Britain's creative talent is a driving force not only nationally, but internationally. 

"Forty percent of tourists to the UK cite culture and heritage as the primary reason for their visit. This generates tens of billions of pounds each year for the UK economy, not only through tickets and entrance fees, but in thousands of pounds spent in shops, hotels and restaurants. All of which is delivering real economic benefits to local businesses and local communities. Understanding the economic potential which the arts and culture offer both directly and indirectly is essential. The arts are not an add-on; they are fundamental to our success as a nation." Maria Miller, Culture Secretary.

Creatives should not think that they have to fit in with anything or anyone, we should do what we do best, think outside the box and create our own jobs. What's wrong with calling yourself a 'Creative Adventure Maiden' ? Nothing. 

The creative sector has a much higher percentage of freelance workers, around 40% compared to 12% in the economy as a whole. So we are doing it, we can do it and we will do it, more and more! 


Start accepting, believing and being professional about your practice and you will be on the way to becoming a successful creative entrepreneur, sooner than you think.

Think creatively, think outside the box, think business. 

Thursday 4 July 2013

My Creative Arts Marketing Workshops @ 44AD in Bath

Hello! I'm holding a new series of arts marketing workshops to help creatives get a hang of marketing themselves. These are taking place throughout August at 44AD Art Space in Bath.

Details below:
Workshop 1
Sat 3rd August 5-7pm
This is a practical intensive workshop delivered by Natalia from iamsociable, helping you create your online portfolio across all social media platforms. Looking into the best ways of using them and how to build a good following, conversation, web traffic and see the rewards offline!
Looking at all online social media platforms from facebook fan pages, twitter and pinterest to artstack, ideastap and sedition. Getting you set up and aware of the best and simplest ways to use them.
Order tickets via Eventbrite:

Workshop 2  -  Blogging and Web Content & Getting featured on blogs.
Thurs 15th Aug 6-8pm
Following on from 'Build your creative portfolio online' in this second workshop we look into blogs and how these can be used to further your online presence as well as your art practice. Looking at various blogging platforms and the marketing benefits of blogging whilst also reviewing your website's content. Teaching you the tools to write good content and create more visibility online. Lastly we will review other creative blogs and go into how to be featured online and get your content and work viewed by a wider audience.
Order tickets via Eventbrite:

Workshop 3  -  PR & Marketing & Keeping your fans and buyers happy.
Sat 24th Aug 5-7pm
This is a practical intensive workshop delivered by Natalia from iamsociable, following on from a previous workshop 'Blogging and Web Content'. In this session we will be using an exhibition format as an example of how to market an event. Looking at how to write a good press release and ways of sending it out to receive the best impact, readership and recognition. Through social media, newsletters and events listings. We will go through the process of setting up a newsletter and the basics of keeping a good up to date database of contacts. Lastly, we will touch upon the best ways of keeping your fans and buyers happy and how to do this.
Order tickets via Eventbrite:

***Buy tickets online or email  to book your place and pay on the door***
Each workshop will cost £20 / £15 student.
Attend all three workshops for £50 or £35 for students.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

The Camino de Santiago de Compostella Adventure - to Finisterre!

9th September – 15th September

Come on an adventure, a pilgrimage, a walk, ignite your creativity and be inspired!

The Camino leads from the foothills of the Pyrenees in France to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia – a distance of 791 km (490 miles). During the past ten years the Camino has witnessed an amazing revival to regain its place as the most popular Christian pilgrim route in the world – but this is no modern fad for this ancient path has been transforming lives for more than ten centuries.

In recognition of, “The testimony to the power of faith and the 1,800 buildings of great historic interest that lie along its path” it was proclaimed the first European Cultural Itinerary in 1987 and inscribed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1993.

Walked by millions over the millennia the Camino de Santiago represents a major force for spiritual renewal and transformation.

The whole route to Finisterre, is spectacularly beautiful and follows quiet woodland paths, remote moors and breathtaking beaches and is dotted with some of the best examples of traditional Galician horreos or granaries.

You will be walking with me, Natalia Komis and we will be heading towards Finisterre as our final destination, which was until the Middle Ages considered to be the “End of the World” and in the 1st Century BC was used as a place of sun worship by the Romans. You will be walking along beautiful coastal lines and stunning sunsets sampling some great Galician delicacies of seafood and wine along the way.

You MUST see this trip as an adventure, a chance to be free and go with the flow. Pilgrims that have walked the way before us say that the ‘Camino will provide’ and so it does. We may get lost, we may need to sleep outdoors, and we may find some insights, inspiration and creative flow. You just don’t know what might happen!

Let the adventure begin!!!

If you're interested in this adventure email for an info pack.

Saturday 1 June 2013

The start of a new creative business venture : iamsociable : going it alone!

I've always known I've wanted to do something that I can call my own, I guess I just never knew what.
I'd go from one idea to the next without pausing for air and clarity. Being a creative person I seem to come up with ideas easily, but find it difficult to follow them through. I graduated from my Fine Art degree two years ago. And since have been in art collectives, set up events in every area of the creative industry, gone into the corporate world and back out again into arts production and the freelance world.
So, I am now focusing on making my business successful! This entails lots of computer time - which I either do at home or in cosy cafes in Bristol. But it also means that I have to make time for mini adventures. So, at least twice a week I go on a long walk or cycle, and if it's raining I take the train and go somewhere new! Adventures, of every kind, I believe ignite your creativity and inspire you. Allowing you to realise who you are and what you want to do. This is how I came about to doing what I'm doing now.
A nature loving moment whilst on an adventure walk in Bristol
I've wanted to start my own business and had a general idea for it for a while now. But nothing felt right, the timing, the idea itself and I guess I just didn't feel confident enough to go ahead with it. I recently came to a cross point where I felt I had to reassess my situation; and felt that instead of running around for everyone else, it was time that I ran around for myself! Make me happy and do something that I wanted to do!

So, with that in mind I decided to walk the Camino de Santiago de Compostela and that this would be a good thing for me to look forward to. I started looking for more work, something that I could do freelance, whilst at the same time trying to start iamsociable. When you're trying to juggle finding work with trying to build a business it becomes a bit muddled up and confused. Money starts to take over and you make sacrifices for the sake of being able to live. It has been quite a difficult decision to just risk not having money, forget about working for someone else and put everything into a new business. But I think that everyone who has ever thought about their own thing should risk it at least once in their lives. 
I was at home one day trying to work out exactly what I wanted to do with this business. I realised I wanted to empower and bring creatives together, help them be more business minded and help them network. 
And then it struck me - why do I want to go on the Camino? To feel inspired again, to try something new, to be free of restraints and beliefs and let things flow through. And then it hit me, it was my light bulb moment - why don't I take these people on creative adventures, with me! Offer all of my services but in such a way that it will be fun and freeing and inspiring. That is what I hope the iamadventures will do. It will establish a platform for people to become empowered, believe in themselves and then their businesses, or talents. 
I truely believe that if you follow your truth and do what makes you happy, then it will all work out. If you believe in yourself and your project enough then others will too, it's all about believing! *reference to my job experiment back in Jan 2012.

So what is this business?
Working with small businesses and individuals I help you realise your goals and guide you with tailor made packages to find your authentic voice. I take you on adventures to find your truth, your creative spirit, your power. I hope to empower you to do what you REALLY want to do and help you make it happen.

*Happy Living*
'Till Next time!

p.s. if you're interested in the adventure itself email