Wednesday, 20 August 2014

This is the truth and the truth is what it is.


I'm back and this time I'm here to stay! It’s been too long since I typed my thoughts onto a public domain for other people's eyes.

Why did I stop? I didn’t feel like I had much to say probably. I was too busy working. I didn’t know what to talk about first. I wasn’t sure what I was thinking never mind wanting to tell the world about my thoughts.

Guess what, all of those still apply – to a certain extent – but I have decided I want to share this journey.

The magical journey of the unknown. 

So, what have I been up to? I shall fill you in briefly so that you can catch up quickly so that we can get back to the now. 

I cut my hair, I now look like this (I'm the one wearing the umbrella hat - the other is my sister):

(Photo by Ian Marriot Smith)

I started a business called iamsociable. (read the beginnings of this journey on a previous post here) I’ve had a few clients here and there, it’s had it’s moments – good and mediocre and it’s grown slowly but surely.

So, in brief, iamsociable helps creatives in business through marketing, social media and guidance support. This can be 1-1 sessions, marketing support tailored towards each individual or business as well as workshops and walking chats. (I know there’s already a lot there right.)

I then walked the Camino de Santiago and found another direction I wanted to take in life. What was this? Walking? Not just any walking. Combining my helping creatives and guidance support I wanted to create something that would help people be inspired, come away from their comfort zones, learn and explore and grow their human potential.

So I started iamadventures (can you see the iam theme here?) – taking people on creative adventures all over the world. To explore, learn and be guided to reach their human potential. Notice I say human not personal. Because human means everyone of us, for we are all one.

iamadventures has started, evolved and been on trips....

I’ve also done various things between and after these events, such as run workshops, gone on holidays, found myself in a relationship, been on the School for Creative Startups, had various amazing mentors, become a founding member of the Escape School; but it all comes back to this really:

I promise to work on the things that make me want to cry. Not because they make me sad, or happy but because it strikes a chord in my heart and my heart cries out to be heard.

It is my passion to be of service and to help make the world a better, lighter, more truthful place.

I am the truth and the truth will set me free.

You are the truth and the truth will set you free.

The truth will set us free because the truth is the power that we all hold in our hearts. That is how we should be living - through our hearts.

Are you following your truth?

So, I guess what I’m saying is you can expect some ramblings, some words of wisdom (maybe), some helpful hints and tips, but mostly my journey on being a human in this life. Of living, working, starting more than one business, being in or out of a relationship, being an artist, an activist, a philanthropist, and generally the trials, successes and failures of every day life.

N.B. It is also wise to note that this is all my trail of thought and is not edited or re-written. It is simply what it is. And I wish to share it with you, because it is how it is and it is the truth.


Natalia x