It's a sad day today, my flatmate of three years is leaving to move to Birmingham and we are moving out of our lovely, quirky, junk filled top floor flat. It has served us well.
Unfortunately being an art student you seem to accumulate every little bit of junk you can and when you have junk from three years ago that is still in a plastic bag on top of your wardrobe it makes it that little bit harder to clean.
I did however find my leather jacket and wooly hat yesterday - this then lead to packing boxes whilst wearing both the items. Didn't last long as I was sweating within a few minutes.
So it turns out I have a lot of STUFF. I'm not sure how it is all going to fit in one car....hmm.
Skip time?
*If anyone fancies free stuff - there will be a box outside my flat for a day*
-Kangol scooter helmet
-Mini TV that may or may not work
-material (hessian)
-toy monkey?
-general stuff.
I hate throwing things away, so please someone take the stuff.
I love Bath and I particularly love this flat, it is perfect location for everything. I won't however miss the freezing cold winters - where literally there are icicles on the inside of the bedroom windows!
Okay, I have spent enough time on the computer this morning - need to carry on packing!
I'll post soon with what I'm doing next with my life - when I know more myself. It's all a bit in the air at the moment..
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