I have also become more of a shopaholic than I was previously.
Hmm... I'm sure I'm supposed to be saving money to be able to do all these exciting opportunities coming my way, not spending it.
I would like to add that actually at the time of posting this I have taken up drinking (in small measures) and snacking (trying to stop) and I of course have not stopped spending.
However, my plans did make a difference.
I now have a job in the arts world with Bo Lee Gallery, I am being more proactive, I feel rich (maybe not a good thing as I'm not quite there yet) and I have been to the gym (not very regularly but it still counts).
So there you go.... Now be inspired!!!
Yes, but, I have decided that what's the point in holding back and thinking I can't do this I can't buy that, when what I should really be thinking is, O yes I can do anything, I have money, I will be getting more money AND all these new opportunities and dreams will become a reality.
I can achieve whatever it is I want to achieve. So why not buy what I want. Look how I want. Feel good and be rich.
After all, I am a successful young woman. Am I not!
So to inspire you all here is a little snippet of what I have been buying
Topshop fur coat
Zara leopard print dress (see a pattern emerging?)
Topshop Jacket (This is for work related outfits) - shoulder pads gallore!
Camel Coat
My Best Buy of the year!
Charity Shop £12!!!
Tailor Made and everything, I do love Bath sometimes.
I would like to add that actually at the time of posting this I have taken up drinking (in small measures) and snacking (trying to stop) and I of course have not stopped spending.
However, my plans did make a difference.
I now have a job in the arts world with Bo Lee Gallery, I am being more proactive, I feel rich (maybe not a good thing as I'm not quite there yet) and I have been to the gym (not very regularly but it still counts).
So there you go.... Now be inspired!!!
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